FXS S2 Module
2 FXS Ports S2 Module The S2 is a module with 2 FXS ports to terminate two analog telephone. It can be used in MyPBX SOHO, MyPBX Standard, MyPBX E1, MyPBX Enterprise, MyPBX U100, MyPBX
FXO O2 Module 2 Ports
MyPBX O2 Module FXO (2 FXO Ports): The O2 Module is a module with 2 FXO ports to terminate two analog PSTN(POTS) lines. It can be used in MyPBX SOHO, MyPBX Standard, MyPBX Pro, MyPBX
SO Module FXO & FXS
SO Module FXO & FXS Unique PSTN Fallback Function! Make/receive calls even when system power break down. It can be used in MyPBX SOHO, MyPBX Standard, MyPBX E1, MyPBX Enterprise, MyPBX U100, MyPBX U200, MyPBX
GSM Module
GSM Module (1 GSM Port): GSM Port for Voice Calls The GSM is a module with 1 GSM port to terminate GSM network. It can be used in MyPBX Standard, MyPBX Enterprise, MyPBX U100, MyPBX